Yeah, that's a great song by R.E.M. It's also something I've been thinking about lately. I have to rant for a minute. I got very frustrated yesterday because:
1) The minute I came in, someone was sitting side-by-side with me from training. So I can train new people constantly, learn every role in the department, do twice the work of other people...and NOT get promoted.
2) Said person was encroaching on my personal space. These desks are small enough as it is; with another person crammed over your shoulder, it only seems more claustrophobic. Marty does not deal well with space being violated, and had to refrain from having an OCD-related panic attack.
3) They put me in queues that I haven't been uptrained in, and basically told me to just deal with it. Oh, and if I have questions, call someone. But we have no help numbers yet since this is a brand new phone system.
4) I see those that DID get promoted (over me) walking around, not doing s*** as usual. See, the more work you do, the less you are appreciated. Hard work and the ability to learn quickly and be efficient gets you nowhere. You have to kiss a lot of a** or know someone to get ahead. Since I refuse to kiss a**, I feel it's a lost cause. I know all of the managers, on good terms, because I question things and bring up suggestions as to how to improve the business. And I work really, really hard. But I'm not sure that's enough. I've had chats with both my managers and HR about my career path, and they all say they'll help me get there. I'll believe it when I see it.
5) These new desks are terrible. Everyone is in your business, all the time. No walls! Open space for everyone to see you and gawk. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's for people to stare like the idiots they are. haha Ok, I'm being harsh there. But really, I don't like people much. ;) haha JK
I'm just a smidge frustrated at not feeling valued as an employee and at my job being rather..how shall we say? Not my dream job.
I think this is the business world in general, not being valued very much. In truth, as an artist, I hate the business world, and as a Christian, I hate Capitalism. It's all backwards and skewed. Priorities should be: respect for others, kindness, and creativity. Instead, priorities are: The Bottom Line. We don't care about anything except the almighty dollar. Jesus spoke out against love of money more than anything else in the Bible, I read in The Purpose Driven Life. Ironic that The Religious Right focus on money more than anything else.
But, it pays the bills, this retail job I have. And sadly, it barely does THAT. Cost of living is getting out of control! Bean says she'll move back to Madison in the spring so I was looking at apartments, and they're insane. $700! What?? What am I, Rockefeller? What I'd really like to do is buy a house or a townhouse, but I can't get that much of a loan on my one salary. So it's discriminatory! You have to be a part of a couple to get anything in this world. I'm reminded of that classic 'Sex and the City' episode where Carrie ranted about this. Singles pretty much get screwed! Ah, but such is life.
But what did I intend to talk about? Oh yeah, Passion. My passion, as many may know, is writing. I'll write anything, anytime, for any amount of pay or non-pay! The only thing I can't really write is technical stuff, like medical journals or PC-speak. But business templates, I've done. Poetry, short stories, humorous shorts, and novels, I've done. Commentaries and reviews, I've done. It was always a goal to be a writer, from the seventh grade onward. I'm just glad the inspiration came from my Muse!
I would suggest that whatever your passion is, follow it, one hundred percent, until the day you die. Because really, isn't that why we're here? Well, that, and to live our lives for God and for others. Not always easy. One great thing about my current job is, it allows me time to write. I find that I have to write every day, but I have to mix it up. I broke away from my last novel to do blog writing again, but soon I want to get back to that novel, because I love that story. After that, I may work on expanding another short story (my short stories will all become novels, is the plan), or I may try something totally different-a humorous novel! It was suggested to me that I try writing Romance novels. Romance novels to me are the equivalent of Ann Coulter to Thursday. I dislike them so much, I'm actually offended as a writer that they exist. Why? Plenty of people enjoy them. My mom enjoys them! And I like a nice love story and hot sex as much as anyone else. But to theme an entire book around that...it's Selling Out, to such a type as me.
Besides, I have some great stories in me. I have to get them out. Maybe I'll start today. I started my book of horror stories, and the first was by Washington Irving. In it, the furniture in his room was spooked and came to life. Reminded me of 'Beauty and the Beast.'
Things are better in the call center today. Quieter, and no one sitting with me over my shoulder. :)
I've been watching 'Heroes' still, and it's getting more interesting, but still isn't overwhelming me.
I didn't review it last week, but 'Grey's Anatomy' is AWESOME. Kate Walsh is my newest obsession. haha She's great on that show. Tremendous! I love great acting.
Have a great day!
I am with you about the Romance novels!!!! AND - if you have read one - you have read them all! It is amazing what a market it is, though. At the conference this past weekend, there were several Romance writers - and boy, are they raking in the bucks! I am CERTAIN I could not write one - even though they seem to follow a formula. Sorry about your "desk" - I can understand completely how you feel! Everyone needs their own space - at least, that's how I see it!
Hey Terre!
Yeah, I know there's lots of dough involved in Romance...but I can't sell my soul to the devil. haha
I'm not sure I could write one either, because I hate them THAT much. Poor writing is poor writing!
As to my desk, well, I'll get used to it. Grrr. ;)
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