Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Return of the Jedi
Hi All,
So, I had to complete The Trilogy. As a kid, I never knew about movie reviews or other people's reactions to films. I just knew that my brothers and I LOVED every 'Star Wars' film, completely. But in reading commentary from others who saw this film in the theater, there's some criticism. Apparently people did not like the Ewoks and the fact that they defeated The Empire. I'd argue that it was actually The Rebels (With Luke, Han, Leia, and Lando in the lead) who defeated The Empire, with a little help from their friends. The Ewoks were originally supposed to have been Wookies, who we finally got to see in 'Revenge of the Sith.'
I guess I'm very much biased, but I can't see any faults with 'Jedi,' just like I couldn't see any faults with 'Empire' or 'A New Hope.' I just remember seeing Jabba the Hutt for the first time, and thinking, "Holy Crap!" My brother is a huge Jabba fan, and always loved all of the Jabba's patrons. Probably because of his influence, I tend to love the creatures and aliens too. I mean, any place that includes Ree Yees and Weequay is a wayyyy cool place. ;)
This film had a lot of nifty stuff: People in disguise, Heroic saves (thanks Luke, and R2), the love story confirmed (Leia and Han! Yay!), high-speed Speeder Bike chases, and The Redemption of Darth Vader. This was another plot point some did not like (like my dad). Some felt Vader was great as an evil character (and he was!), and should not have turned at the end. Well, that was the whole point of all three (now six) films, according to Lucas: The redemption of a fallen Anakin Skywalker by his children. In a way (from a certain point of view, smiles), Leia's role in The Rebellion helped to change her father, I would argue. No Rebellion, no end to The Empire. But Luke had the hard work; and he prevailed, alone as he must (him still being the Hero of the saga). In watching this time around, after seeing 'Revenge of the Sith,' I saw how nicely everything was tied together. The Emperor seemed like much more of a force. And the redemption made a lot more sense.
But I had no complaints as a kid, or at any time, in regards to this film. For a long time I thought it was my favorite of the three. But as you see it's impossible for me to pick. If forced, I say 'New Hope,' because that's the one that started it all. But he really made three perfect and brilliant films. Yes, indeed!
In watching the Original Theatrical version, I was glad to see Sy Snootles as a puppet, the original Jabba's band song intact, the infamous 'yub yub' Ewok song back at the end, and Sebastian Shaw as Spirit Anakin instead of Hayden Christiansen. I mean, Hayden was a toddler when 'Jedi' was made, and does not really belong in the film, even in spirit form. I liked the updates made to 'Jedi' for The Special Edition, but it's nice to see the film in its original form. The picture quality of 'Jedi' was excellent; I did not see any grainy picture like in 'Empire.' I guess technology improved over the years so 'Jedi' was better preserved and transferred.
Grade? Off the charts. ;)
In other news, I tried the 'Jamocha' shake from Arby's yesterday, and it was so good, I had to mention it. If you like really strong coffee ice cream in soft serve form, you might want to try it. I can't even have coffee, and I ate it. And nearly died of joy. :)
In still other news, his mom and dad are settling in with my little nephew. He's doing well, and I'll be seeing him again on Friday. I can't wait!!! Kids RULE, especially little babies that are so cute you want to hug them all day long. :)
Great Things About ROTJ
1) Biker Scouts. My 2nd favorite of the troops. How many Speeder Bike chases did we re-enact throughout the house? Lots.
2) Jabba. His playset was the coolest playset of them all. It was his throne that opened up to the Rancor pit, complete with skeleton bones and rats (carved into the plastic base of the throne). You had to get the Max Rebo band as side accessories.
3) Emperor's Royal Guards. Crimson red is my favorite color. And when we saw the Star Wars Smithsonian exhibit, the guard was the 2nd most awe-inspiring, to me.
4) Vader. The most awe-inspiring part of the exhibit was standing next to the actual Darth Vader suit. I looked like a complete dwarf next to him, as he was like 7 feet and I am like, 5 feet. I'll have to find a way to post that picture here; me with Vader. The REAL, actual, Vader. It was awesome!
5) The Emperor. Ian McDiarmid is an incredible actor, and was really great in this role. I think people may have cheered when he was thrown into the tunnel to die.
I could go on. But I think that's enough SW geekiness for one day.
Needless to say, 'Jedi' is a CLASSIC.
Have a great day!
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I remember really loving Admiral Akbar in the film. ;)
"It's a trap!!!"
Akbar rocks. :)
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