Sunday, October 15, 2006


Happiness: [hap-ee-nis]

–noun 1. the quality or state of being happy.
2. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

"Everybody seeks happiness! Not me, though! That's the difference between me and the rest of the world. Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!"

Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes'

There's Treasure Everywhere, p. 34

Hi All,
Odd that I wrote recently about God giving me signs. He never fails in that department (or in any department, for that matter). I went over to see little newborn Calvin Harrison yesterday, and I can't stop smiling. Calvin and his older sister Bree are the two most precious beings I have ever seen. Little Cal was named after his two grandfathers: his mother's father, who passed last year, was Calvin, and his dad's (my brother) father has the middle name of Harrison. Harrison is also my grandfather's middle name. The tribute made me cry.

But even more than that, his beautiful little self made me so happy inside, I can't stand it! I'm a very emotional person anyway, about most things, but new life really blows me away. Like Mom said, if you don't believe in God when you see a little newborn miracle....I don't comprehend you at all. Calvin was 8 pounds and 3 ounces, a good size. Mom reminded me that I was half that size when I was born (I was premature, and was 4 pounds and 4 ounces). I always marvel that I made it through everything and am still here to comment. I was reminded that God's got a purpose for my life, and if I don't understand what it is, it's okay, because HE does.

So, borrowing from Thursday (I'll send the royalty check in the mail, smiles), today's post is about Happiness. (I was going to post happy thoughts today regardless, but this is a good way to do it. Good one, Ms. Next!)

Happiness is:

A warm gun. hahaha Sorry; could not resist the Beatles reference. :) I'm actually opposed to guns even existing, truth be told.

But seriously:

My neice's eyes: the most breathtaking clear blue I have ever seen.

The little sound my nephew made when I held him for the first time. It was a cute little baby sound, and it made my heart nearly explode.

Doing anything with my two older brothers. Life wouldn't be nearly the blessing it is without them.

Sweatshirts and sweatpants in the winter time; comfy and cozy.

Watching movies on a 65 inch screen, with surround sound.

Watching UVA football on TV on a cool Autumn day with Leia (the cat) snuggled up on my stomach.

Anything related to 'Star Wars.' Obsessed? Sure. Glad of it? YES.

Sitting on my parents' deck in the summertime and watching the nature around me.

The Blue Ridge Mountains.

Little boy clothes and toys. I always loved the boys' stuff more. The little flannel shirts I saw yesterday were too sweet for words. And the little tool kit was killing me with its cuteness.

My cat's purr. It's my favorite sound, ever. They only purr around humans and around their young; it means they are happy.

Laughing so hard you lose your breath. Bean and I do this sometimes; I love it.

Driving on a long road trip with good music on the player.

Reading anything Shakespeare ever wrote. What he does with words, is beyond amazing.

Reading anything Edgar Allan Poe ever wrote; he is the master of suspense and horror. I love his darkness.

Seeing Tori Amos in concert. It's...beyond religious.

That spark that leads to me writing a good story, or a good novel; The Muse.

Playing the drums with my brothers on bass and guitar.

Stuffed animals. I gave Calvin a stuffed T-Rex I had bought a few years ago; he is still mint (of course!) and he is the cutest dino I have ever seen. I've collected stuffed animals since I was a child, and always wanted a T-Rex. But I vowed that if my brother ever had a son, I'd give this one to him. So I did. Calvin's mom loved it!

Reading comics like 'Calvin and Hobbes.' It's always been my favorite strip. If you think I'll be buying little Cal a stuffed tiger at some think correctly. :)

Great moments in films that actually give you chills, they're so incredible. Like the ending underwater scene in 'The Piano,' the 'I am your father' scene in 'The Empire Strikes Back,' or the ending of 'St. Elmo's Fire.' I've seen them so many times, I know them frame for frame. But they still blow me away every time.

Great pop music. I was listening to 'Confessions on a Dance Floor' on the drive over to see Little Sweetness. That type of music (and also, anything from the 80's) makes me relaxed and delirious.

Organizing and cleaning my house. Yeah, I know. Odd thing to put. But it's one compulsive thing about me that I absolutely love, and do not apologize for.

Italian food. The O.G. (Olive Garden) RUUULLLEESS.

Sleep. Yep. I'm an L.B. Lazy Bones. :)

A good glass of wine. And a good friend to share it with.

Halloween. Sweetheart neice is going as a clown this year. I hate clowns, as they scare me, but SHE will be a bundle of cuteness, I know. H-ween makes me happy because I love all of the spooky stuff that goes with it. Why? Not sure; I just know I've loved it my whole life.

Christmas morning. I love it more now as an adult, as I get to see my neice enjoy the day. And this year, we'll have an added little precious with us! Hooray!

Thanksgiving dinner. The best meal of the entire year. I mean, THE BEST.

Knowing that you are loved. And we all are!

Have a great day!

I can't stop smiling. :)


ThursdayNext said...

My landlords brought home their baby girl today and I was a mushy teary mess when I saw her - her name is Sabina! Congrats again, Aunty! Nephews are happiness, indeed! I love the line about laughing until you lose your breath; I like to laugh until my gut hurts. :) xoxoxoxo Thank you for all of the pictures of Cal...I just want to kiss his tummy and nibble on his cheeks! His nursery is AMAZING!

ThursdayNext said...

PS I got Jack a dinosaur shirt for the Autumn. His mother informed me that Jack wasnt into dinosaurs, and I told her that is going to change very quickly! I bet Cal is already loving his Rex!

Marty said...

Hey Thursday!
Glad you enjoyed the pics. I just like to show him off. :)

I thought every little boy was into dinos? ;)

I'll have to take a pic of the dino I gave Calvin; it's precious!

shpprgrl said...

So glad that all are doing well. You are right, the holidays will extra special this year. Enjoy!