Saturday, November 23, 2013

Things I learned this year

I Learned Something?

1) If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP! (With thanks to a Mike Meyers' SNL skit from the 80's)
2) Help! We're trapped in a Roundabout and we can't get out! (England)
3) The Irish love their food coloring. The fields really did look like excessive green had been added! Ha
4) There's a great sense of pride in mowing one's own lawn. There's also a great sense of pride in considering paying people to do it. Ha
5) People cannot drive in parking lots to save their lives. Sigh. Job security!
6) Leia turned 14, and is a Senior Kitty. I'll expect her to start eating at 4:30 every day, in bed by 10, up by 6. Ha
7) There is just nothing in Kentucky. For real. Billy and I have never seen such a boring place.
8) Pop music tried to make a comeback: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Miley Cyrus all put out CDs. Miley's was the best. Although I am scarred for life by the image of naked Miley on a wrecking ball. Yikes. She could've thrown in a sweaty, shirtless construction worker with some nice facial hair for us to enjoy! Think, girl! Haha
9) Movies: Gatsby was great (smiles), as was Katniss Everdeen. I may need to take up archery. Haha
10) St. Louis is a great city! Friendliest people in the U.S. Friendliest people I've ever met, though, were in Edinburgh. :)

Happy New Year!

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