Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I can't believe I've read 1500 or so pages in the last 3 weeks. Thanks, Stephanie Meyer. I'm currently on Breaking Dawn, so it'll be around 2000 pages when I'm done! Time off after a layoff can be a good thing, see. Reading, my first love in life, has filled my time and has inspired me.

My original complaint about this series was that the central love story just didn't seem real enough. As the story continues, I'm glad to say, it does start to fall into place. Thankfully, Edward evolves from the insanely obsessed I-have-to-be-with-you-every-second smothering boyfriend to something..much more. Of course, his biggest concern is for Bella's safety, which, as she's set up as a clumsy, accident-prone, unlucky damsel in distress, makes sense. I've seen too many real-life obsessions went wrong to have any sympathy for that type of plotline. But, as the books continue, Meyer's storytelling gets better and better.

I was up until 2 am last night finishing Eclipse; you really can't put it down. And I started immediately on Breaking Dawn, because by this point, I have to know what happens to these characters.

They're all evolving in ways that I like: Werewolves and Vampires are actually being civil (the whole Edward vs. Jacob rivalry needed to resolve itself), Bella and Edward are becoming more like a couple and not just obsessed teens. I still wish Bella had any sense of female empowerment; she seems to always need someone to rescue her. I'd like to see her rescue herself.

I'm hoping she does get her wish, to join Edward in Vampire Land, because with her ability to dispel vampire mind tricks, she should have some interesting powers of her own. And, here's hoping she bails other people out for once, instead of them always bailing her out.

I can't wait to see these on the big screen. The F/X alone should be tremendous. Werewolves, vampires, huge battles, dark meetings...sounds like my kind of movies.

Check it out, if you're one of the few like me that had not. Guaranteed not to disappoint.

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