"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark IV.v. 37
Hi All,
It occurs to me that most of us spend our lives searching for something, and many never find it. Sure, we find things that make our lives worthwhile: mates, children, careers, passions. But the most important of these is: self. There's a difference between having an overactive ego and thinking only of self, and actually loving and respecting the self with a healthy dose of self-centeredness. If I had to guess, I'd say about 95% of us spend a lot of time searching for ourselves, and trying to get ourselves to a certain point. Some very wise people taught me that this is, in many ways, a futile exercise. Luke spent his whole life looking to the horizon, to what he wanted to attain, when The Force was right there with him the whole time. (Sorry; I cannot resist SW references; smiles)
Likewise, we've all had God with us from birth, whether we accept that fact or not. Someone created us all, and caused us to be. Believe what you will, but know that you're never alone. That's the most comforting thought, to me. I tend to not worry about what will become of my career, or my health issues, or my relationships, too much, because those things have always been taken care of by Someone a lot smarter than me.
But yet, we're human, and can't help but to constantly look for things to complete us. While 'Jerry Maguire' was a great movie, that whole 'You complete me' thing goes against what I believe as a Christian. I believe, there's only one person who completes us, and that person is God. Another human can't begin to complete us. Mostly, we have to complete ourselves. Otherwise, we end up in co-dependent, unhealthy, emotionally crippled relationships. Of course there are always exceptions, but those seem few and far between to me.
Anyway, here's hoping we all learn to stop looking so hard, and just 'be.' It's human nature to look, and to strive. My mind seems most content when it can obsess on some goal or aspiration. And when that's done, it finds the next thing to obsess on. I don't meditate, but I do pray. And I'm lucky; there are lots of little things that help to quiet my mind. I hope we all have such things in our lives.
Why did I go off on this tangent? I don't know. Just responding to that Hamlet quote. Thanks, Will. My point was: We can all be a lot of things, if we let go sometimes and let Providence guide us. We never know what we can become until He helps us. Free will? Sure, we have that. But we wouldn't have a single breath without His guidance. This is just one thing I'm thankful for as we enter November. Thanksgiving is my 2nd favorite holiday, because it is simple, and always makes me reflect on what an incredible life I have.
Have a great day!
ps The FIRST thing I was thankful for was Brad Pitt. Ya-hoo. haha (JK) (Not really.)
Thanksgiving Traditions
1) Yelling, "Pass the mac and cheese, please" at the top of the lungs
2) Sending a wishbone flying across the room
3) Falling asleep at the table, you had so much Tryptophan
4) Wondering if you add Vodka to the Cranberry Sauce, will it taste like a Cosmo?
5) Telling people you don't like: "I know what I'm NOT thankful for: You."
It had been awhile since I did a humor list. ;)
1 comment:
Yeah, I don't think a love relationship should be like the one in "Jerry Maguire," even though I love that movie. "You complete me" is co-dependent, lol. A healthier sentiment would be "you complement me." (And vice versa.) But it doesn't sound as cool. ;)
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