Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lost, Again

Hi All,
After the series finales aired last spring, you'd have thought someone died. I came back to the office and all any of us could say was, "What will we do NOW?" Perhaps this is a commentary on how we've become couch potatoes, or we don't read enough, or we lack motivation to do other things with our time. We were genuinely sad that TV was gone for the year, especially 'Grey's Anatomy' and 'Lost.'

'Lost' gives us a reason to love TV, a reason to not lament the fact that we don't read more, and a reason to live for Wednesday nights. Ok, I exaggerate slightly. It's only a TV show, after all. But it's the most complex mystery I've ever seen, and I'm including the labrynthian plots of 'The X Files' and 'Alias.' I mention these two shows (which happen to be my all-time favorites) because 'Lost' is directly influenced by them: J.J. Abrams, the creator of 'Alias,' is also the creator of 'Lost.' And when this show started, I was drawn in by the paranormal happenings on the island (very X Files-ish).

In case you've been on your own island for the last two years, 'Lost' is about a planeful of crash survivors who landed on a deserted island. Except it's not quite deserted: There are creatures, other creepy island folk, and buildings that indicate a government experiment. The story is told through flashbacks that focus alternately on each main character's lives. There are a seemingly endless number of main characters, some of which have died already.

I recommend catching up with the DVDs, and joining the puzzle every week. It's a lot of fun. And, Matthew Fox and Josh Holloway are pretty nice on the eyes. Oh, and that desire to be literate? This show is so filled with literary and cultural references, it takes a scholar to get them all. Everything's connected. And Fate plays a big role in it all.

So the season premiere was last night.

*Teenage Girl Moment*
*End of Teenage Girl Moment*

The season premiere focused on kidnapped main characters Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. 'The Others,' a separate group of nefarious types that also inhabit the island, had kidnapped these three from their group at the end of last season. All three are separated, and we got to see how they each dealt with being a prisoner. Most interesting was the development that The Others have an underwater home as well as a model of suburbia somewhere on the island. My question is: How freaking big is this island?? It seems we always find new places on the island we never knew about. I guess it's a huge island, right?

From the pilot on, I always loved Jack and Kate, and they were made to be the main characters as well as potential lovers. But the 'lovers' part never happened, and at this point Kate's clearly all about Sawyer. I'll admit it took me a while to warm up to Sawyer (he's the sarcastic bad boy with a history of conning people), but he always has the BEST lines and he's become a very likeable character. Plus, he's really hot. haha

This episode dealt primarily with Jack and flashbacks that explained the breakup of his marriage. I love how this show uses every flashback to tell the continuing story of the characters now, as they are on the island. Elizabeth Mitchell, who Bean and I jokingly call our favorite lesbian actress, is a new Other who communicates with Jack. We call her our favorite lesbian actress because she was Angelina Jolie's lover in 'Gia' and Dr. Weaver's lover on 'ER.' But here on 'Lost,' she's not to be trusted.

My favorite moment in the show, though, was when Sawyer, alone and in a cell, sees Kate for the first time since they had all been drugged and kidnapped. Sawyer's in love with her, and has been for quite a while. The look in his eyes and the look in her eyes (which were about to brim over with tears; Emmy moment for Evangeline Lilly!) was so sweet and full of concern and love, it really overwhelmed. I can't wait for these two to get it on. haha Problem is, every female character that's had sex so far...dies. Like in horror But since Kate is a main, MAIN character, I pray she'll be around for a long time. She's my favorite character on the show, and if I didn't feel this show had any characters that really blew me away before, I certainly have changed that opinion. Kate, Jack, and Sawyer all blew me away last night.

And to think, we haven't even seen any of the other characters yet! Ah, the suspense. That's what keeps us watching.

In other news, I was awoken to a loud scream this morning as Bean accidentally left both cats out and around each other. I thought we had another wild animal in the house. ;) Luckily, I don't think Leia (my cat) attacked Pepper (Bean's cat). Pepper is still a kitten, and Leia hates all other animals, and would just as soon take one out as look at it. So we don't want either of them in a catfight. I honestly think Bean's afraid of Leia, as she yelled for me to come get her away from Pepper. And when I went to get Leia, Bean hid behind me. It's funny to me since I view Leia as the sweetest thing on Earth, but something about her spooks people sometimes. I guess it's the black fur and yellow eyes, but I think she's the most gorgeous cat I've ever seen. And she doesn't attack people! But she has always attacked other cats, even now with no claws. She's crazy like that. Anyway, it made me laugh. I think the only thing that had happened was that Leia had seen him and had growled at him. We'd have heard a full-out attack. Those damned cats can be loud! Poor little Pepp was spooked, though, and was not acting his usual carefree self after. Usually he purrs and acts playful but after that he just wanted to go and hide. He'll forget all about it by tonight. ;)

Have a great day, then...


ThursdayNext said...

Hi Marty!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend and that the kitties are calmer. ;)

Marty said...

Thanks for stopping by with nice wishes. I dreamed the other night that I stopped by your apartment, which was HUGE, and your entire family was there, all knitting. Explain that one! ;)